ENHANCE/ One step up programmes

The Enhance project was an important part of the overall Step Up Programme, funded by Interreg and managed in Ireland by FAS, to address a major aspect of this up-skilling – specifically workers aged over 35 who are considered low skilled. EETC ran this Interreg programme for the up-skilling of Ireland’s workforce in Wexford to […]

Engineering Network

The Engineering Network (ENGNET) was supported by Wexford County Enterprise Board and Waterford Institute of Technology financed using ESF funding through Accel, National Development Plan and The European Social fund through the Department of Enterprise and Trade. The aim of the programmes was to create and support a network of Engineering Companies based in the […]

Virtual Incubation Centre (VIC-IRL)

The Virtual Incubation Centre project is the result of a successful application for funding of almost €400,000 by WIT to the Accel programme, an initiative of the Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment that is funded by the European Social Fund and the National Training Fund. The virtual incubation centre model is an exciting and […]

Enterprise Support Unit

Waterford Institute of Technology’s Enterprise Support Unit in Enniscorthy has an exciting and innovative approach to business development. It was instrumental in securing over a million euros in funding for WIT in Business Development and Technological Enhancement Projects. The Enterprise Support Unit was established to help in the transfer of knowledge and technology by means […]